

SUITE SECRET is a bespoke performance especially crafted for Mi Casa es Su Casa and the Riverview hotel.  Created and performed by Gabrielle Nankivell in collaboration with Luke Smiles (soundtrack-wrangler extraordinaire) SUITE SECRET takes the anonymous hotel suite as a place for normal things, obscene things, illegal things – a place to switch skins and drift from certainty to a dream.

An intimate spectacle of stories danced and told, SUITE SECRET unravels from the private ambitions of a 1960’s housewife to a paranormal crime scene via Punk Rock Berlin and a Tokyo Love Hotel. A unique, intertwined history of experiences in time and space, performed throughout the suite that plays host to these strange secrets.


Concept, Text, Choreography & Performance - Gabrielle Nankivell

Original Soundtrack - Luke Smiles / motion laboratories

Narrator - Amber McMahon

Commissioned by STRUT Dance - The National Choreographic Centre of Western Australia in collaboration with Fringeworld Perth and the Riverview Hotel.